Karina Kinghorn
Graduate Student: Cell Biology and Physiology (2017-2023)
Contact: k_kinghorn@unc.edu
Education: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX- BS in Biochemistry, 2017
Research: I am interested in understanding how spatiotemporal regulation of VEGFR1 modulates sprouting angiogenesis. Currently, I am working to understand the trafficking machinery involved in soluble VEGFR1 secretion and determining whether soluble VEGFR1 secretion is polarized in endothelial cells.
Wang, R., Lee, M., Kinghorn, K., Hughes, T., Chuckaree, I., Pantano, P., Draper, R. (2018). Quantitation of cell-associated carbon nanotubes: selective binding and accumulation of carboxylated carbon nanotubes by macrophages. Nanotoxicology.
AHA Predoctoral Fellowship July 2020-2022
Past IVB T32 Training Grant July 2019-2020