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Lab Lunch

October 6, 2021

As the semester is back into full swing and the end of the year is quickly approaching, the Bautch lab got together for lab lunch and to celebrate being back with our undergraduates, old and new! Welcome Aleigha, Arya, Coral, Madonna, T and Tianji!




New Publication in “Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology

September 21, 2021

Congratulations to Research Associate, Ziqing Liu, for her recent first author designation on the paper, “Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Endothelial Cell Transcriptome Heterogeneity Under Homeostatic Laminar Flow ”  in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, this past month. Congratulations to her hard work! Other authors include: Dana L. Ruter, Kaitlyn Quigley, Natalie T. Tanke, Yuchao Jiang and Victoria L Bautch. Check it out on our publications page!

Lab Reunion

July 15, 2021

Lab Lunches are always more special when we get visits from past lab members! Katy Citrin was an undergraduate and postbac in the lab working on our BMP project before she left to pursue her PhD at Yale. It is always nice to see familiar faces and we wish her luck as she continues on with her studies.

Lab Send Off!

June 14, 2021

A big thank you to Allison Marvin and Bryan Johnson for all their help over the past few years. We all will miss you both and are proud of your future endeavors!

New Publication in “Angiogenesis”!

April 13, 2021

Congratulations to previous Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dana Ruter, for her recent first author designation on the paper, “SMAD6 transduces endothelial cell flow responses required for blood vessel homeostasis”  in Angiogenesis this past month. The paper was the result of her hard work while in our lab and we are very proud of her. Other authors include: Ziqing Liu, Kimlynn M. Ngo, Shaka X, Allison Marvin, Danielle B. Buglak, Elise J. Kidder and Victoria L Bautch. Check it out on our publications page!

Morgan Oatley Awarded AHA Postdoc Fellowship

April 10, 2021

A big congratulations to Morgan Oatley for being awarded the AHA Postdoc Fellowship! The Bautch Lab is so proud of her and excited to see where her studies in BMP signaling go.

Karina Kinghorn receives AHA predoctoral fellowship and IVBM Poster Award

April 5, 2021

A big congratulations to graduate student, Karina Kinghorn, for receiving the AHA predoctoral fellowship award this past July. Also, this past year, Karina received NAVBO’s 21st IVBM Poster Award for her poster entitled, “Regulation of endothelial cell trafficking and secretion of soluble VEGFR1: Implications for angiogenic sprout guidance”. We are all very proud of her and are all excited to see where her project goes.